
Neuhoff Media Hosts CS8 Meet & Greet to Kickoff the School Year

By Michelle Mitchell Aug 9, 2023 | 4:41 PM

Springfield, IL – Sunday, August 6th the coaches of the Central State Eight Conference representing every sport gathered for their annual meeting in advance of the 2023-2024 school year.  Neuhoff Media’s Sports Radio 1450AM/92.3 FM and Channel1450.com hosted the event at the BOS Center in downtown Springfield.

The coaches from every sport met to discuss the upcoming school year’s rule changes, schedules, regulations, and other items before the year starts.  It’s also a time to socialize and share the excitement of the pending school year.

Channel1450.com’s Sports Director, Derek Parris, said, “A great way to kick off a new school year is the CS8 meet and great with coaches and athletic directors. The chance to see all the coaches before the season starts and let them know that we are here to promote what they do and their hard work is very valuable in maintaining a great relationship with central Illinois coaches, athletic directors and communities.”

Leanna Churchill and Michael Hardwick or Channel1450.com also attended the event along with Neuhoff Media Springfield President and General Manager, Kevin O’Dea, and Sports Radio 1450 sports announcers Tim Schweizer, Jim Ruppert, and Krista Lisser.