We want to see your progress & challenge you to share your skills videos using #2020skillsanddrills!
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Baseball & Softball Drill 1
Skill: Fielding
Focus: Knee drill, Athletic stance (Wide Base, Low to the Ground), Soft hands.
Equipment Needed:
- Baseball or any type of ball
- Baseball Glove
- Towel or something for your knees
Challenge: Once you’ve practiced fielding the ball, pulling it to throwing position and throw to a partner!
Coach: Tyler Smith – Pitcher with the Los Angeles Angels Organization
Baseball & Softball Drill 2
Skill: Hitting
Focus: Power and Contact, Batting Stance/Spacing, Hand Positioning and Grip, Eyes on the Pitcher, Follow Through
Equipment Needed:
- Baseball Bat
- Fence
Challenge: Add a ball to the mix! In a yard or field have someone toss you the ball and practice your swing!
Coach: Tyler Smith – Pitcher with the Los Angeles Angels Organization
Baseball & Softball Drill 3
Skill: Pitching & Throwing
Focus: Shoulder towards target, Leg lift, Hopping, Pushing off your back leg to gain power and momentum.
Equipment Needed:
- Baseball
- Baseball Glove
- Wall/Fence/Target
Challenge: Practice this drill by throwing to a partner at a further distance!
Coach: Tyler Smith – Pitcher with the Los Angeles Angels Organization
Baseball & Softball Drill 4
Skill: Speed
Focus: Quick burst of speed, Explosive and stay low!
Equipment Needed:
- Open Space
- 3 Cones or Markers
Challenge: Change directions, if you start from the left, next time start from the right!
Coach: Tyler Smith – Pitcher with the Los Angeles Angels Organization
Baseball & Softball Drill 5
Skill: Power K Pitching
Focus: Body Positioning, Balance, Focus on your target, Ball Positioning and Release.
Equipment Needed:
- Softball
- Glove
- Fence/Target/Wall
Challenge: Practice with a partner and focus your aim!
Coaches: Kelly Mayette – Pitcher/Infielder with Stonehill College Softball – Class of 2023
Baseball & Softball Drill 6
Skill: Catcher's Position
Focus: Feet in good position, quick transition from catching position to throwing position.
Equipment Needed:
- Chalk or Sticks to Create “t”
- Baseball or Softball
Challenge: Have a partner throw the ball to you, so you can practice this position by catching and throwing to your partner!
Coaches: Addie Smith – Catcher – Southern Illinois University of Carbondale
Baseball & Softball Drill 7
Skill: Catcher's Position
Focus: Athletic Stance – knees bent, hand out in front, bring to straight to your belt.
Equipment Needed:
- Tennis Ball
- Wall
Challenge: As you get better actually throw the ball to a designated target!
Coaches: Alexis Gililand – State Fair Community College
Baseball & Softball Drill 8
Skill: Batting - Slo Mo Drill
Focus: Hand, bath path, body positioning and extension.
Equipment Needed:
- Tee
- Baseball or Softball
Challenge: Once you’ve practice several times, try speeding it up and hitting the ball!
Coaches: Darby Joerling – Center Fielder – Missouri State