We want to see your progress & challenge you to share your skills videos using #2020skillsanddrills!
Don’t forget to follow us and tag us in your videos
@neuhoffmediasportscamp on Instagram & @skillsanddrills on Facebook!
Basketball Drill 1
Skill: Driving
Focus: Cross-over, extra stick step, keep hips squared and change directions.
Equipment Needed:
- A Basketball
Challenge: Start slow and practice your footwork and dribbling once you’ve mastered that, speed it up and try to take a shot!
Coach: Olivia Lett – Women’s Basketball Coach at Millikin University
Basketball Drill 2
Skill: Pull Up Jumper
Focus: Footwork (Open step, Jab step, Inside pivot foot) and ball down with footwork.
Equipment Needed:
- A Basketball
Challenge: Practice going both direction!
Coach: Olivia Lett – Women’s Basketball Coach at Millikin University
Basketball Drill 3
Skill: Post Presence
Focus: Rebound, Jump/Hop to catch the ball, Pull the ball to your chin, Strong finish.
Equipment Needed:
- A Basketball
- A Basketball Hoop (If you do not have one, you can use a tall wall to practice this skill.)
Challenge: Practice using your non-dominant hand and incorporate hook shot, cross step and power dribble!
Coach: Tim Robertson – Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach at Millikin University
Basketball Drill 4
Skill: Finishing at the Rim
Focus: Footwork, dribble, eyes on the rim, step through and finish.
Equipment Needed:
- A Basketball
- A Basketball Hoop
Challenge: Start with the one hand finish and challenge yourself by doing the other variations!
Coach: Olivia Lett – Women’s Basketball Coach at Millikin University
Basketball Drill 5
Skill: Dribbling
Focus: Ball handling, Hips Straight, 1 dribble with each step forward.
Equipment Needed:
- A Basketball
Challenge: Try multiple dribbling combinations and moving forward at a faster pace!
Coach: Olivia Lett – Women’s Basketball Coach at Millikin University
Basketball Drill 6
Skill: Shooting & Dribbling
Focus: Exhale on your release, make the ball come back down right into your hands.
Dribbling without looking at the ball while sitting in a chair.
Equipment Needed:
- A Basketball
- A Chair
Challenge: Try multiple dribbling combinations and moving forward at a faster pace!
Coach: Herm Senor II – Former NBL Player Solent Kestrels, Trainer for Camps/Clinics –
Make It Work Global
Basketball Drill 7
Skill: Rhythm
Focus: Dribble straight down while bouncing on your toes and separate them.
Equipment Needed:
- A Basketball
Challenge: Do 20 consecutive dribbles in between the legs!
Coach: Herm Senor II – Former NBL Player Solent Kestrels, Trainer for Camps/Clinics –
Make It Work Global
Basketball Drill 8
Skill: Post Up
Focus: Patience, we-up/face-up, crab dribble, feel your defender.
Equipment Needed:
- A Basketball
Coach: Tim Robertson – Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach at Millikin University