Skills and Drills Summer Sports Camp

We want to see your progress & challenge you to share your skills videos using #2020skillsanddrills!

Don’t forget to follow us and tag us in your videos
@neuhoffmediasportscamp on Instagram & @skillsanddrills on Facebook!

Hockey Drill 1

Skill: Stick Handling in Figure 8 Pattern

Focus: Hand positioning, Weight distribution, Stick handling on forehand/backhand

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • 2 Cones/Water Bottles or 2 of anything (shoes, soup cans, etc.)

Challenge: Try doing the drill only using your top hand!

Coach: Mike Towns – Division I Assistant Men’s Hockey Coach at Clarkson University

Hockey Drill 2

Skill: Stick Handling Progression

Focus: Hand positioning, Soft Hand Drill, Opening Up the Forehand/Backhand, Elevating the Ball

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • Additional Hockey Stick, Broom or anything to prop up
  • Wall, Fence or Anything to Prop your stick against

Challenge: Work on this skill with a partner who will challenge you for the ball!

Coach: Mike Towns – Division I Assistant Men’s Hockey Coach at Clarkson University

Hockey Drill 3

Skill: Stick Handling Progression - Body Positioning

Focus: Body positioning, Stick Handling on Forehand/Backhand, Switching Ball position from Heel to Toe of your stick

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • Multiple Cones, Water Bottles or anything you can stick handle around.

Challenge: Move closer to the cones to challenge yourself, and review previous figure 8 skill!

Coach: Shannon Desrosier – Division I Former Women’s Hockey Head Coach at Clarkson University

Assistant: Brynlee Desrosier – 8 Years Old

Hockey Drill 4

Skill: Shooting - Wrist Shot

Focus: Hand positioning, Weight distribution, Puck on heel of stick, Follow Through, Point Toe of Stick at Target

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • Hockey Net (You can also use a fence or wall)
  • Hockey Targets (You can hang up paper plates for targets on fence/wall)
  • Synthetic Ice Board (Not necessary, can use driveway/lawn)

Challenge: Try to hit the top corner targets by using this skill and previous skills to elevate the puck!

Coach: Adam Krug – Division III Men’s Hockey Head Coach at Adrian College

Assistant: Carter Krug – 6 Years Old

Hockey Drill 5

Skill: Shooting Progression - Changing the Point of Release

Focus: Use fundamentals from Skill 4, Reading the Goalie, Aim at Top Corner of the Net or Below the goalie’s blocker

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • Hockey Net (You can also use a fence or wall)
  • Synthetic Ice Board (Not necessary, can use driveway/lawn)

Challenge: Pretend the goalie is in the net, focus your aim on the top corners and below his blocker!

Gabi Jones – Division I Women’s Hockey – St. Lawrence University – Class of 2024
Casey Jones – Division I Men’s Hockey Coach – Clarkson University

Hockey Drill 6

Skill: Shooting Progression - Balance & Weight Transfer

Focus: Use fundamentals from Skill 4, if you are a righty transferring weight to your left leg/ if you are a lefty transferring weight to your right leg when shooting.

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • Hockey Net (You can also use a fence or wall)
  • Synthetic Ice Board (Not necessary, can use driveway/lawn)

Challenge: Use your non-dominant leg to bring your shooting to the next level!

Gabi Jones – Division I Women’s Hockey – St. Lawrence University – Class of 2024
Casey Jones – Division I Men’s Hockey Coach – Clarkson University

Hockey Drill 7

Skill: Passing

Focus: Knees bent, looking at your target, hands are away from your body in a parallel position, shifting weight from front to back foot pushing the puck off your stick.

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • Hockey Gloves (if available, not needed)
  • Flat surface
  • Partner (if you have multiple balls, you can practice passing at a wall with a target on it)

Challenge: Move further away from your partner to practice passing from a further distance.

Joshua Loveridge – Division II Men’s Hockey Defenseman – Stonehill College – Class of 2022
Jared McCracken – Division II Men’s Hockey Forward – Stonehill College – Class of 2021

Hockey Drill 8

Skill: Passing Progression - Backhand Passing

Focus: Knees bent, looking at your target, passing the across the body and shifting weight from front to back foot.

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • Hockey Gloves (if available, not needed)
  • Flat surface
  • Partner (if you have multiple balls, you can practice passing at a wall with a target on it)

Challenge: Move further away from your partner to practice passing from a further distance.

Joshua Loveridge – Division II Men’s Hockey Defenseman – Stonehill College – Class of 2022
Jared McCracken – Division II Men’s Hockey Forward – Stonehill College – Class of 2021

Hockey Drill 9

Skill: Passing Progression - Box Pattern

Focus: Puck control and passing. Catch puck on your backhand, Shift Puck to your Forehand, Pass to your Partner on your Forehand, Repeat.

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • Hockey Gloves (if available, not needed)
  • Flat surface
  • Partner

Challenge: Move further away from your partner to practice passing from a further distance.

Joshua Loveridge – Division II Men’s Hockey Defenseman – Stonehill College – Class of 2022
Jared McCracken – Division II Men’s Hockey Forward – Stonehill College – Class of 2021

Hockey Drill 10

Skill: Hand Eye Coordination

Focus: Tipping pucks- lifting stick below shoulder level, catching the puck in the air on the toe of your blade and pushing it down towards the ground or ice.

Equipment Needed:

  • Hockey Stick
  • Hockey Ball, Puck or any other type of ball
  • Hockey Gloves (if available, not needed)
  • Hockey Net (You can also use a fence or wall)
  • Partner

Challenge: Move further away from your partner to practice passing from a further distance.

Joshua Loveridge – Division II Men’s Hockey Defenseman – Stonehill College – Class of 2022
Jared McCracken – Division II Men’s Hockey Forward – Stonehill College – Class of 2021